Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Valentine's Day

This used to be a much bigger deal; I remember in grade school getting a whole bunch of Valentine's cards from everyone in the class, boys and girls alike. Chocolate of some sort, of course, and maybe a little party before the end of the day.

High school, not as many given out (definitely not from the other guys), and few received. One was all you really needed at that point, if you were lucky enough to be with someone (or have a shot at being with someone).

College, you either had someone or you didn't.

Between college and getting married, Valentine's Day was mostly a reminder that my son's birthday was coming up in a few days. I didn't think about it much otherwise.

Nowadays, after nearly sixteen years together, Valentine's Day is nice, but it's not high on the priority list. She got a card, I got chocolate. No flowers, not at these prices. She'd beat me with my garden tools if I paid that much for flowers. I'll grow her some in the garden this year instead. I already have the seeds.

I wonder how many people know that it's actually SAINT Valentine's Day; that first part has pretty much disappeared from society. It's not like St. Patrick's Day, since the Irish won't let you drop the 'saint' part. Too bad; St. Valentine was a pretty impressive fellow. A priest or even a bishop in Imperial Rome during the later persecution of Christians prior to Constantine's arrival, he ministered to the persecuted Christians before being martyred himself. There aren't many records of him, and some 'scholars' have attempted to mythologize him out of existence, but the Church agrees that he was a real person. Why he is the guy associated with courtly love and romance isn't exactly clear; that wasn't a priestly thing even back then.

Ah, well. Today we remember this brave, unflinching priest with chocolate, hearts, and flowers. There are worse things to be remembered by.

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