Thursday, February 2, 2023

Here Comes Winter...

I was going to title it, 'Winter is Coming', but I really, really hate that show. And I've never even watched it; I just read some of the books. They were...awful? No, not strong enough. Disturbingly vile? Yeah, that's closer.

Anyway, it's time to batten down the hatches, because we're about to get a hell of a cold snap. 36 hours of -20° C. Translated into American, that would be 'And I thought Minnesota was bad!'. It's going to be nasty. For myself, I'm not too worried; we've done some work improving the insulation and keeping the house warmer, so the family will be fine. It's the barn that worries me. The bunnies and chickens are going to be really, really cold.

So, we're putting some heating lamps in there for them tomorrow; there's one in there already. We're going to need some more straw for them, too. I'm worried that it'll be too cold to go out and feed them, but I'll have to suck it up.

In other news, I've decided that we are going to have to get a cow of our own. I'm really not looking forward to having to get up and milk it early in the morning and again in the afternoon, but the price of dairy is getting ridiculous. Butter is as expensive as eggs. And I was really not impressed to find out that the government deliberately shortens the supply of dairy by forcing farmers to dump and drain any surplus they draw from their cattle. In a time when inflation is rampant, making them throw away enough milk to fill a swimming pool or two? Yeah, I'm not impressed.

At the rate prices are going up, people will be ready to trade their magic beans for a single cow and a pair of chickens. Best to get ahead of the game.

I guess I'm going to have to build a stall in the barn for next fall...

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