Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Planting Calendar

Well, it's that time of year when gardens need to be planned out, especially when they are going to be big gardens. Being on Prince Edward Island, we're in climate zone 5B, which means there's a lot of stuff that isn't going to grow here because our season isn't long enough and the average temperatures are too low. But there is quite a bit that will grow here, and that's what I'm looking at.

The thing is, our last frost day is in May. Which means we don't plant anything directly into the ground until then, for fear of killing the seeds as they germinate. So, we're going to have to start stuff inside. The problem is that we don't have a greenhouse yet, and there's simply no way we can get fifty tomato plants and a couple of dozen pepper plants growing in the house. So, those crops won't be quite as big as we might have hoped. But there will still be lots of stuff.

Getting a greenhouse is high on my list of 'I really need to buy this.' It doesn't have to be a huge greenhouse, but it needs to be big enough to let us plant a lot of stuff early on so we can get a head start on the garden. It will also let us start things later in the season to replace things we pull up, like radishes and carrots.

There's still a lot to learn about this; we're still relative beginners, and we don't have a lot of people in our little social circle who can help us get through the toddler years. But we'll figure it out. After all, watching her cook food that I grow in the garden? That's awesome.

So, I'm going to get digging into the gardening calendars for this area and see just what I can start with to get the garden off to a strong start in May. Here's hoping...

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