Friday, July 10, 2020

Let's Read: Traveller, 1977 Edition, Characters & Combat, page 36

Gah...I did these out of order. Let's step back one page...

Page 36, and as promised, more ranged weapons to deal severe pain and death. We begin with the Automatic Rifle, which is basically what you’d expect, shooting four bullets per trigger-pull unless you want to go semi-automatic. It’s hefty, weighing in at 5 kg, and while it uses the same ammo as the regular rifle, it can also use a special belt with 100 bullets that weighs half as much as the automatic rifle itself, so you’d better have eaten your Wheaties if you want to be running around with this bad boy. Oh, and it’s the priciest weapon so far, at a whopping 1000 Credits. Some guys don’t even muster out with that much.

Next up, the shotgun. Perfect for indiscriminate fire and weddings alike, the shotgun is basically what you’d expect to see in a shotgun today. It’s a full meter long, and weighs 3.75 kg. It’s a lot cheaper than the automatic rifle, at a mere 150 Credits. Its ammo is good for ten cartridges, each weight 750 grams and costing 10 Credits. So, a much cheaper weapon. But not as cool as an automatic rifle.

Finally, we find the submachine gun at the bottom of the page. It uses the same ammo as an automatic pistol (but not the same magazines), and fires up to 30 cartridges before needed ammunition. It weighs and costs half as much as the automatic rifle.

I should note that the last five weapons, starting with the carbine, all have a sling option for easier carrying. There’s no note yet on whether or not this makes it easier (i.e., lighter) to carry them. We shall see.

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