Wednesday, July 15, 2020

In the Beginning: Released!

That's right, I'm actually on track this month, with another release mid-way through the month. This one is a unique piece of writing, as I mentioned in the last post. It is a retelling of the first eleven chapters of the Book of Genesis, from the Bible.

There's not much else to say about it after what I said the other day, so I'll just add that the cover art is taken from Edward Hicks' Noah's Ark, painted in 1846 (and now in the public domain). I think it's a nice piece, and it gets the point across well enough.

The only other thing to say is that to the best of my knowledge, nothing in this book contradicts Scripture or the teachings of the Church. That's part of the reason why this one took me so long to write; I worked on it for months, and that was before I started writing seriously last summer.

So, I'll leave you with an excerpt from the first chapter, in hopes that it will whet your appetite for more.

He looked around the formless void as the winds blew across the face of the deep waters, swirling and churning them up.  His newfound awareness of his own existence startled him, but he felt an infinite joy in his own creation.  In that moment, Michael knew all he would ever know; above all else, he knew that God loved him, and had created him along with all the multitude of angels.  They were His, and would always be His.  Michael felt that love all around him as he and his new family gathered around their creator.  A nameless joy sprang up in his heart as he saw the majesty of God.  He listened with rapture to the voice of God, a voice that spoke as if it were three.

My children,” he announced in the depths of their being.  “On this day I have created the heavens and the earth.  I have created you as well, to serve me.  IN LOVE, YOU HAVE BEEN BORN INTO ETERNITY; IN LOVE, YOU HAVE BEEN BROUGHT FORTH FROM NOTHINGNESS.  I love you all, and thus I offer you the most precious gift: a choice.”

“What choice is that, Holiest of Holies?” asked Lucifer, the Morning Star.

The choice to freely serve,” replied God.  “You have the freedom to make that choice, because only a choice freely made can be truly your own.  If another makes the choice for you, that is not love, only slavery.  I WOULD NOT ENSLAVE THOSE WHOM I LOVE.

“Of course we will serve,” answered the angelic host.  “We love you and we praise you,” they continued.

There is more to this choice, my children, For I have not finished my work.  Observe the formless void; I will shape it and form it into matter, matter that exists separately from the spirit from which you are made.  Observe, AND BEAR WITNESS.”  Michael looked toward the void and heard the great words of power.

Let there be light!”

The light that came into being was bright, bright enough to sear the souls of the angels.  And God spoke again, saying, “IT IS GOOD.”  Michael agreed; the light was truly beautiful to behold.  He joined in the chorus of praise as God separated the light from the darkness.  “WE SHALL CALL THE LIGHT 'DAY,' AND THE DARKNESS SHALL BE CALLED 'NIGHT.'” The angels erupted with praises to God, singing, “Hosanna in the highest!' and 'Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might!'


You can check out In the Beginning on Amazon right now.

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