Monday, July 13, 2020

Coming Soon...

I'm going to be releasing a new book this week! It won't be the Bard Conley science-fiction book; that's going to be at the end of the month, once the cover is ready. No, as I mentioned in a previous post, this one is called In the Beginning. It' do I put this? It's a retelling, of sorts, of the first eleven chapters of the Book of Genesis. I'm not changing the stories; I'm simply expanding them, adding detail that isn't included in the Bible itself.

Is that blasphemous? I hope not. I don't think it is, anyway. It was an idea I had some time ago to put together a book that would be readable for young people, that would give them a better understanding of the Bible, or at least the beginning of it.

So, to expand on what is already there, I turned to Church sources, including the Church Fathers and the Catechism, to fill in the gaps, as it were. Some of it is artistic license on my part, but I was very careful not to contradict anything the Church teaches, or the words of Scripture themselves.

The nice part of writing this is that I didn't have to worry too much about figuring out the plot; it's already there, laid out in perfect form. I'm not trying to improve on perfection; I'm simply making it more accessible to people, especially younger ones who might not be willing to read the Bible itself. Maybe after reading this, they'll be more interested in doing so.

If this works, I will write more books like it, expanding the story of the Bible with further volumes. These would focus on the historical aspects of the Bible, not the dry, legalistic parts (like Leviticus, for example). The idea is to make the story clear for people who've never looked at the Bible that way before. It's a collection of 73 books, yes, but it's also a continuous story. I think that story needs to be told to a new generation, one that hasn't had the exposure previous generations did, and in a form they will enjoy.

So, I'll have further news on it within a couple of days, hopefully. Until then, check out my other books, including my newest one, The Gilded Age: Awakening, available now on Amazon.

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