Thursday, June 18, 2020

Not the Thursday I Expected

Well, it's Thursday, but I don't have a review of the next Amazing Stories ready, since I haven't had the chance to finish it yet. I'm more than two-thirds of the way through it, but my reading time has been significantly cut back this week. So, I'm going to get that review done as soon as possible, probably early next week.

In the meantime, however, I'm excited to say that my new book will be published by tomorrow. I've got the manuscript taken care of; next up, the cover. That will be my seventh book, and my fourth mystery. The title is going to be Cold Star. I'll have an official book release announcement tomorrow, or possibly Saturday, depending on how long it takes Amazon to approve it.

In other news, I'm going to be forced to delay the publication of my sci-fi book due to not being able to get the cover art done in time. Not because the artist is slow, but because my budget is going to be affected by the forced purchase of a new car. My car has pretty much given up on life, and I don't live far enough north that I don't need air conditioning in my car at this time of the year. So, I'll be bringing it to the dealer Saturday, and returning with something new. Which means, no money for a cover this month. Which sucks.

However, I do have a contingency plan in place. I have another book that I've been working on that won't require me to buy a cover. I'll have more details on that soon enough. It's not a mystery, it's not fantasy, and it's not really sci-fi. It is, however, fun.

There isn't much else to say tonight, so I'll close it off by saying that if you would like to get some background on the new book, check out Final Exam, the first Cameron Vail mystery. Cold Star is the sequel to that book, taking place before The Missing Magnate. Enjoy!

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