Saturday, June 13, 2020

Another Milestone: 100 Posts!

Hey, hey! A special moment in a blogger's life is when he reaches that triple-digit mark for posts. It's not exactly a longevity mark, but it does show commitment to the task. I got here sooner than anticipated, seventeen days sooner, in fact, thanks to my decision to double-post to include the Let's Read for Traveller.

So, let's see what's notable about the blog so far. I've had a total of 514 page views since I started back in mid-February. The most popular post was the first Let's Read: Traveller post, with 22 views so far. My first post, Once Upon a Time, has the second-most views with 8. Nobody has read my post on Reading for Fun and Profit, though. Not one person! It's like the post is invisible.

The interesting thing is looking at where my views have come from. It's no surprise that the most views have come from the US and Canada, but I've also had a bunch of views from Portugal, almost as many as Canada, in fact. I've also had people from Australia, Germany, the Philippines, and Japan take a look. I'm not sure if that's VPNs, though; I can't imagine who in the Philippines would even know who I am.

So, it's nice to know that the Traveller series has brought some views; I hope that those people have looked at my other stuff, and maybe even checked out a book or two on Amazon. I'm going to keep the series going, obviously, especially with a sci-fi book coming out soon.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank a couple of people who have helped me out, even if it's only through encouragement. Brian Niemeier, editor, author, and Pulp Revolution star, linked a couple of my books on his blog, which was awesome. Jeffro Johnson, author of Appendix N and super-enthusiastic pulp fiction reader and gamer, has also been kind enough to take a look at The Chronicles of Meterra: Arrival. Hopefully, he likes it enough to recommend it.

I've had a lot of fun with this blog so far; it's a great creative outlet for stuff that won't be going into any books. I look forward to a long and fruitful time sharing my musings and scribblings with people. And someday, I'll even get a comment on one of my posts, or even...subscribers! That's when you know you've made it, right? When someone cares enough about what you're saying to want to know when you're saying something else. On the other hand, a subscriber could also be a stalker; you never know these days, do you?

It would have been awesome to have celebrated this post with a new book announcement, but it will have to wait until next week. Too bad, but that's the way it goes in publishing. So, be on the lookout, because there's plenty more on the way. Cheers, and I hope you'll stick around for post 200.

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