Saturday, June 6, 2020

Lets Read: Traveller, 1977 Edition, Characters & Combat, Page 11

Okay, now we get to the skill tables. And I misunderstood earlier; there are more than 24 skills. Each service has its own set of skill tables. Personal Development mostly affect characteristics, and skills like gambling, brawling, and gun/blade combat. Oh, and Merchants can learn the fine art of bribery, too. Once again, the Navy demonstrates its aristocratic nature by being the only service that gives a chance to increase Social Standing, while Other can actually DECREASE that stat. The Navy and Scouts are the only ones that can increase Intelligence, while they and the Army are the only ones that provide a chance to increase Education. That’s interesting, because the Marines like a higher education for commissioning, but they don’t give you a chance to increase it. All six services can increase Strength, Dexterity, and Endurance (the Merchants have 2 Strength increases available). The Marines, Merchants, and Other have Blade Combat, the Scouts have Gun combat, while the Army, Marines and Other careers have Brawling as options. I guess the Personal Development tables are more ‘self-improvement’ or ‘self-taught’ skills, especially since the Army has no combat skills other than Brawling on this table (but they, along with the Marines, can learn to gamble).

The next table is Service Skills, the basic stuff required to serve in the career. These have a wide variety; the Scouts are the only ones with no combat skills on this table. The Navy has Ship’s Boat, Vacc Suit, Forward Observer, Blade and Gun Combat, and Gunnery. The Marines have ATV, Vacc Suit, Blade and Gun Combat (twice each). The Army also has ATV, but not Vacc Suit; they get Air/Raft, Forward Observer, Blade Combat, and two shots at Gun Combat (no pun intended). The Scouts have Air/Raft, Vacc Suit, Navigation, Mechanical, Electronic, and Jack-of-all-Trades, and I’m not sure what that means yet. But it’s interesting that Navigation is a basic service skill for the Scouts, while it’s Advanced Education for the Merchants and the Navy (and no one else gets them). Merchants have ‘Steward,’ so…butler? Vacc Suit, another Strength bonus (they must really like lifting stuff), Gun Combat, Electronic, and JOT. Other gets an interesting suite of skills: Forgery, Gambling, Brawling, Blade and Gun Combat, and Bribery. So ‘Other’ now looks like the seedier side of things, something Han Solo would have been interested in.

There are two Advanced Education tables, one for common schlubs, and those with 8+ scores. The Navy gets more Vacc Suit and Gunnery options, as well as Mechanical, Engineering, Electronics, and JOT. Interestingly, all six careers have Mechanical and Electronic as 2 and 3 on these tables. The Marines and Army get Tactics and more fighting stuff; the Scouts get our first view of Medical, as do the Merchants, on the regular AE table, so I guess that would be the rough-and-ready first aid training, rather than the specialized ‘Doctor McCoy’ type medicine. Merchants and Other get ‘Streetwise,’ so again the Other category is looking more and more like the career criminals (Forgery appears again, as do Gambling and Brawling). The Merchants get Navigation and Gunnery as Advanced Education options here.

The ‘university-level’ AE table for 8+ Has Medical and Computer for everyone. The Navy also gets Navigation for the first time, Engineering, Administration, and Piloting. The Marines get Tactics twice, Leadership, and Administration, as do the Army (same table for both services). Scouts get more Navigation, Engineering, Piloting, and Jack-of-all-Trades for the third straight table. Merchants get the same table, except they get Administration instead of JOT. The Other category gets Forgery for the third time, as well as Streetwise, Electronics, and JOT. So, the Other career really doesn’t offer much in terms of space stuff except for computers and electronics.

So, what do these tables tell us? The Navy is the best service for those looking to advance in society, and they can learn all the important stuff for running a starship. No surprise there. The Marines and Army are good at killing people and breaking things, but they can also put them back together if necessary. The Scouts are more of a seat-of-the-pants organization, being able to do a lot of different things, but lacking in the focus of other services. Merchants are good with starship control, but also at dealing with bureaucracy. And the ‘Others’ are very much in tune with the streets…I get the sense that many of them are probably criminals.

Characters who get blade and gun combat skills have to specify what weapon they are using, too, so no general ‘all guns’ or ‘all blades’ skills. Too bad; I like the idea of someone who can pick up any weapon and be deadly with it. But, that’s a bit too ‘Rambo’ for some people.

In tomorrow's installment, I'll finish creating my character, Jamie Rollinson. Here's hoping the Army life agrees with him.

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