Friday, May 29, 2020

The Devil's Playground

Here it is! The Devil's Playground, the next book in the Chronicles of Meterra! I'm very excited, and I hope you are, too. It's my second fantasy publication, and my second short-story anthology, too. Here's the back cover print:


Under King Eadric, the new Kingdom of Meterra has undergone significant changes since the Arrival of the European crusaders. The wild land is being settled, and the countryside is being reclaimed from the monsters that plagued the land. But peace is always a temporary state in a land of magic and monsters.

From a lonely shepherd to the mightiest of knights, the people of Meterra find themselves under siege from creatures unimaginable that emerge from an underground labyrinth so chaotic, so horrifying, that it can only be named...The Devil's Playground.

This anthology of short stories takes the story of Meterra out of the wilderness and into the realm of pure chaos. In these seven stories, the inhabitants of Meterra will discover how different their new home is, and how even the greatest of warriors are not immune to the horrors that await them within the Devil's Playground.


This one is a bit weirder than most fantasy that's out there these days. It's certainly not on the level of Lovecraft or C.A. Smith, but they were definitely influential. The original idea came from, of course, gaming; the Devil's Playground is a megadungeon that takes a different tack than the typical 'insane wizard built it centuries ago' background. This one is just pure chaos, where nothing is the same the second time around. I hope you like what you read.

The paperback will be available shortly; right now, it's only in e-book format. It takes Amazon a while longer to release paperbacks, I guess. But still, it's available for you right this minute. What are you waiting for?

Oh, you didn't read the first book yet? Well, by all means, jump on over to Amazon and pick up a copy of The Chronicles of Meterra: Arrival, the first book in the series.

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