Monday, May 11, 2020

Back to School

What? It's mid-May. Back to school? Schools are closed! Haven't you heard? COVID is on the loose, and schools are a deathtrap! Why would you go back there now?!

It's online schooling, actually, and it's the Summer term, which is only going to July. That's pretty nice, since it will still count as a full set of credits. Anyway, the courses I'm taking are a course on European history (which is my major), and a course on ancient humor (which is going to be majorly fun). Two courses, nine credits, and that much closer to finally earning that degree I never knew I actually wanted or needed.

Having a degree these days is almost like having credit card debt; pretty much everyone has one, or is expected to have one. Actually, now that I think about it, it's exactly like having a lot of debt, because you can't get one anymore without going into debt. Here in Canada, it's not as expensive as in the States, but it's still not cheap. And it will be five years of college and university courses by the time I'm done next spring, which adds up a lot of debt. Even though I'm old, which means a good chunk of my student loan money is actually grants that I don't have to pay back, I'm still going to be on the hook for quite a substantial amount of money.

So, why am I getting the degree? Because it's difficult to get work without one, unless you're in the trades. And this body isn't built for the trades. It never was. Sure, I like to think I was athletic back in the day, but that day was way, way back. Now I'm arguing with my knees every time I crouch down with the catcher's mitt with my son pitching faster than I can. And he just turned twelve yesterday. I feel old. Who am I kidding; I am old. Age isn't just a number; it's a reminder that the good old days might not be as good as you remember, but enjoy them while you can, because eventually, you won't remember them.

Online education is great, really; you don't have to sit in a room with a bunch of indifferent, bored college-age kids. You don't have to do much group work (does anyone really like group work? If you do, you're not normal). You can take the time to think about the answer to a question without being on the spot. You can attend class pretty much whenever you want, wearing whatever you want. That's right; you can write your exams in your underwear, and who's going to know? So much for that nightmare.

It has its downsides, too, especially for younger people like not me. After all, college is where people go to do two things: party, and meet attractive people of the opposite sex.

What? It's not like they're getting an actual education, is it?

As I was saying...the social aspect of college goes right out the window when you go to online courses. So, the only people who are really going to thrive and get the most out of the online college experience are people who don't actually care about the social aspect. That's right, the nerds and geeks like me are in our glory. This is what we've been preparing our whole lives for! Limited social interaction, tons of computer and internet time, and no reason to go to bed on time instead of playing video games all night! We are living the dream, folks!

No, I'm not up all night playing video games; I have a family to deal with in the morning, remember? But if I could...I'm just saying.

So, it's back to heavy reading (like I hate that), pithy discussion board quotes, and the occasional online lecture. Piece of cake. One more year of this, and I can show off an embossed piece of paper! I can't wait!

Speaking of college life, my first published book is about that very subject. It's a murder mystery called Final Exam, and you can get it for the low price of $0.99 US on Amazon RIGHT NOW!!! Go ahead, I'm done now, anyway.

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