Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sitting on the Deck of the Bay

I'm writing this just after coming in from sitting on a brand-new, 30x12-foot deck off our back door. Man, that was a lot of work. I'm aching in places I didn't know could ache. I'm also ready to star in one of Jeff Foxworthy's 'redneck' jokes. But the smile on my wife's face made it all worthwhile.

Our help showed up this morning unannounced; we weren't even dressed yet, and hadn't had breakfast. So, we naturally got right to work, with food coming a bit later. By lunch time, we had about a third of the deck covered; by supper, the deck was all but finished, and we started on the privacy wall. Well, it's primarily a movie screen, but it helps keep the nosy neighbor from watching our kids. Creepy as heck, believe me.

So, we just need to put the steps up, get one more deck board for the top of the movie screen, and finish skirting the rest. After that, we're having our friends back over to inaugurate the movie screen. Screw social distancing; we're having dinner and a movie with friends.

I was planning to do more stuff tonight, but that's not happening just now. Bed is going to be wonderful tonight, even with two dogs between my wife and I. I plan to sleep until six. In the evening.

Of course, there's more stuff to do; I've got kids to homeschool, for one thing. Our youngest, despite his autism, is showing quite a bit of progress, and we're going to be starting him on a learning program now. He's already got a good grasp of the alphabet and counting, so we're going to move into phonics and the like. He's also asking me to read him stories at bedtime now, which is awesome.

So, another short blog post tonight, and tomorrow we're going to be furnishing the deck. And I'll get the teenager and his buddies to move the rest of the heavy stuff, because I'm going to be in traction for a while.

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