Sunday, April 9, 2023

What Does Meterra Look Like, Anyway?

It's easy to make a list of made-up fantasy names, and it's easy to put them on paper in something vaguely resembling a map. It's another to just start rambling on about those names and expecting people to be able to visualize what you're talking about.

So, I've decided to include a map of Meterra for people to admire. Okay, it's so you can see where these various places are that I've been talking about. Not everything on the map will appear in this blogging challenge, but I'm trying to hit the highlights.

Therefore, behold the land of Meterra, circa 1175 AD.

I created the map on Campaign Cartographer 3 a few years back. It was my first attempt at a campaign map, and it worked out pretty well. It's not perfect, and I haven't really had (or taken) the time to get much better at it. But it serves its purpose.

And no, it's not necessarily in conformity with real-world geographical features. That's me not knowing how these things work in the real world, and making up what seemed cool and neat to me at the time. And yes, I know about the rivers. I didn't at the time, but I do now. And I'm not reworking the entire map to fix them at this point. I'm happy with them; if I do another campaign map, I'll do them better. But for Meterra, this is how it is.

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