Monday, April 24, 2023

U is for Uzean

So, the question is, how does magic work in Meterra? There are many possibilities; incantations, sympathetic magic, barganing with great powers...but in Meterra, it's a bit different.

Meterran wizards draw their magic from mystic writings that have been in use as long as language has been written down. The magical language, Uzean, is written in such a way that it can hold great power within the very words. Magic-users study the spells of their choice on a daily basis, absorbing the power of those words into themselves. Uzean cannot be read by just anyone, and it takes a great deal of study to master even the most basic components of the language.

Through daily study, the magic of the words is absorbed into the wizard's brain as a form of mystical energy. The wielder is empowered to release that energy through the proper use of words and gestures. However, the power of the magic is such that it can only be released once; the mental 'battery' is then drained, and must be replenished with further study. Meterran wizards refer to this process as 'memorizing' the spell, although it is forgotten after having been cast. With experience, magic-users learn to control more of this mental energy, and can memorize more powerful and greater numbers of spells.

Scholars have been studying the strange language of Uzean for as long as anyone can remember. It is unlike any other language known to men, elves, or dwarves. Some believe it to be a corrupted form of an ancient elven tongue, but the majority dismiss this theory as the elves are no better at comprehending Uzean than humans. To some, the dwarves are a suspected source of the language. Their magical craftsmanship is cited as evidence of this, although there are no known dwarves wizards who actually speak the language of Uzean. Whatever its source, the language of Uzean is why magic can be learned in Meterra.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun way to get your magic system established. Great post! Hopefully you're enjoying the A to Z Challenge as much as we are this year.
    ~ The Operation Awesome Team
