Friday, April 14, 2023

L is for Larcullus

Meterra is a land that greatly resembles the south of France. Similar climate, similar geography, and similar plant life. But it differs in one very, very significant way: Magic. Not the superstitious kind familiar to the medieval culture, but actual magic, manipulation of natural forces in a way impossible for our own world. In Meterra, there is a place where the manipulation of these forces is taught to a select few. That place is the Arimore Academy. It's headmaster: Larcullus.

Larcullus, a native of the land, took to magic at a young age and was sent to the Academy by his modestly wealthy family a year earlier than is customary for students of the mystic arts. He has never been the adventurous type, seeing magic as more of a tool than a weapon, and preferring the excitement of the alchemical lab to the thrill of exploring underground caverns.

Larcullus is the eighth headmaster of the Arimore Academy. He wields a magical staff, though he rarely uses its powers, relying more on his own magical abilities to deal with problems. Nevertheless, it is well known throughout the Academy that the headmaster’s staff wields great power, though the students do not know the details.

He has now been at the Academy for over fifty years, and some students believe he will always be there. He is the most accomplished wizard in the kingdom, or at least that is the public story; Larcullus himself believes that there are other, more skilled wizards than himself, though none live in Everton itself.

Larcullus has paid little attention to political matters, for he dislikes them. However, he is the primary advisor to the king on all matters mystical. He ignores religious disputes, focusing on teaching and researching. He believes that Eadric will be a good ruler for the kingdom. He did know Queen Ellisabeth’s father rather well, as they worked together for several years before Arturus’ death at the hands of the dragon. And while he rejects the life of adventure, he was instrumental in assisting Eadric and his fellows in defeating that same dragon.

Not much else to say about him; every magical story needs a wizard, and Larcullus fits the bill. He's not a Dumbledore clone; I grew up with Gandalf, Allanon, and Belgarath as my wizard archetypes. He's still a behind-the-scenes character for the most part, although when gaming, he'll be a mentor to any wizard characters.

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