Sunday, April 16, 2023

N is for North Coast

Alright, this one is a wee bit of a cheat, but I'm going to talk about a few different places in Meterra along the northern coast of the kingdom.

Bottomless Cove: At the western end of Trytals Bay lies the Bottomless Cove, beneath a cliff face several hundred feet high, and dropping to nearly a thousand feet below sea level. There is one known sunken ship down below, the Waverider, which sunk a century ago.

Burning Isle: Unlike the other islands in Trytals Bay, the Burning Isle is formed from two active volcanoes that ward off ships. The volcanoes have been relatively dormant for the past century and a half, but their activity has increased lately. The island is slowly growing as lava flows down the island to the cooling waters. It is, as far as anyone knows, uninhabited.

Crab Island: The largest of the Bay's islands, Crab Island is home to thousands of creatures such as giant crabs. The shores are too rocky to settle, and few humans ever go there.

Crystal Marsh: This smaller marsh is far more pleasant than its eastern counterpart. Fed from the Drepess Lake and the Hanith River, the Crystal Marsh is home to a few dangerous creatures such as crocodiles, giant toads, huge spiders and others.

Dorencester: This town lies on the shore of the Drinoss Sea deep in the Dragihl Forest. Logging and fishing provide most of the economic sustenance. Although they are fairly isolated from the rest of the kingdom, they are fiercely loyal, and equally independently-minded. A mixture of Europeans and Ramai, Dorencester is home to 3,000 people, all of whom are ready to fight to defend their homes.

Dragihl Forest: This forested region stretches from the Drepess Lake's northern shore to the shore of the Drinoss Sea and Trytals Bay. It is bordered on the west by the Laughing River, and marks the westernmost reaches of human habitation. Few humans live here, however, as the Dragihl is home to the elven people and other creatures of the forest.

Drinoss Sea: This sea is similar to the Mediterranean Sea of Europe; across its depths, to the north, lies a desert coast, home to tribes of nomads and an ancient culture that fell long ago. The Drinoss is a windy, wild sea that has claimed many ships.

Green Isle: Of the major islands in Trytals Bay, this is by far the most pleasant. With rolling green hills and a sheltered shore, the Green Isle is home to half a thousand people. They are both fishers and farmers, and keep to themselves.

Hobert: This town lies on the western shore of Trytals Bay, near the Crystal Marsh. A fishing town, it has also grown since the Arrival, though not nearly to the extent of Everton. Hobert is a town of 4,000 people, and is also known for its many apple orchards that surround the town.

Ogesh Cay: This is the smallest of the major islands in the Trytals Bay. It is home to two fishing villages, and is also covered with sandy beaches. Little grows on the island, and outside the villages nothing else lives there.

Trytals Bay: These sheltered waters provide safe harbors for many ships. There are several islands in the bay which have been thoroughly explored. Kiralt Island's southern shore marks the edge of the Bay. There are several shipwrecks dotting the bay, some of which are rumored to be laden with sunken treasures.


  1. A very comprehensive geography!


  2. Such an elaborate world. I love it! Stopping by from #AtoZ
