Sunday, March 5, 2023

Weekend Thoughts

Well, we didn't get a D&D game in today; none of the other players could make it. We're going to reschedule for next weekend and see how it goes.

So, today was a quiet day; we ended up going to town to meet with Dannielle at the close of the Canada Games, which weren't nearly as big a deal as we had thought they would be. We were expecting traffic jams, no parking, tons of tourists...frankly, other than the blue and green volunteer jackets that were all over the place, it was hard to tell anything was going on at all. We didn't end up seeing any events; timing just didn't work out.

But, after we met with her, we went to a little place that was having a big book sale. Turns out they had bought a storage unit that was full of books, and they were selling them off at dirt-cheap prices. Well, I'm not one to turn down an opportunity to rummage though bookshelves. I did find a few interesting ones, including a Pierre Berton book, The Last Spike, about the Canadian transcontinental railroad. I'm definitely giving that one a close read.

I also picked up three Erle Stanley Gardner books, encompassing five Perry Mason novels. I'm in the mystery writing mood again, so it's useful research and idea-mining. The other books were a few books for Garrett, mainly Bible stories and the like. He's starting to show real progress in his reading and learning; he was spelling words today with beanbag letters, and he's learned the Hail Mary prayer for bedtime. The Lord's Prayer is next. We might even have the opportunity to get him his First Communion if he keeps doing this well.

Tax season is upon us, and it sucks. But, it's got to be done, so it's back to the grind tomorrow. But in the meantime, I'm still getting some writing done. It's going to be a new Cameron Vail mystery, so I'm feeling that groove now. I've been rereading The Missing Magnate, the second book I published, to get me back in the spirit of things, too. You should take a look at it as well; it's the one I wrote in eleven days, and it's pretty good, if I do say so myself. It's available in e-book format at an Amazon website near you.

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