Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Time to Move On

Well, that was fast. I haven't been posting much lately because our family's been prepping for something big, which meant less blogging time available. Now that our families all know what's going on, though, we're ready to announce that we'll be leaving Ontario for greener pastures at the end of next month. Nice birthday present: A new house far, far away in the Maritimes.

It's funny; for more than thirty years I've wanted to move to the United States, because I believed there would be better opportunities for my children there than there are in Canada. And, for the most part, that's true, although the political climate down there at the moment is more than toxic; it's deadly. Saying the wrong thing can get you ruined, and your family in hot water. Not to mention, the red tape of getting across the border in COVID-mania would be virtually impossible to cut through.

But the nice thing about the Maritimes is that while their economies aren't as robust as, say, Alberta's might be, they're quiet. And quiet sounds like a great idea right about now. I'm looking forward to some peace and quiet, far away from the craziness that's infecting the rest of the continent. I've been active on several political discussion boards over the years, and my opinions are quite well known to those who know me. But I'm tired of the same old song and dance that never ends. I'm going to be putting that part of my life behind me, and moving on to something new.

I'm still going to write, of course; in fact, I expect I'll have more opportunity to really lose myself in the writing, since there's going to be a lot less hustle and bustle around us. And I can publish my books from anywhere; the internet is always helpful in that regard. And, since I've been busy collecting old, family-friendly multimedia files from the Internet Archive and elsewhere, we'll have plenty of entertainment to occupy us when we need it.

Moving isn't as big a deal for me as it is for my wife; as I mentioned last week, I've moved a lot in my life, whereas she's spent the vast majority of her life in the same town. So, she's going to have quite the adjustment period, and she's quite emotional about it. This was her first home purchase, so there are a lot of deep ties in this house. It's not going to be easy, but she's most definitely excited about the move. The new house is exactly what she wants, with land for a hobby farm far from the crowds.

So, we've got a lot of work to do to get this house ready for sale. I'm still going to post when I can, but it might be a bit sporadic for a couple of weeks. We'll see how it goes.

Of course, if you want to hear from me in the meantime, check me out on Amazon, where you can find no fewer than ten of my books online, all of them in ebook format and three of them in paperback. I'm sure you'll find something enjoyable in all of that.

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