Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Slowly but Surely

It's amazing how much crap you can collect over the years. It's even more amazing how you can stuff most of it in a 20' x 8' x 8' steel container. Part of moving across the country is getting to play the ultimate game of 3-D Tetris. It's an exhausting process, which is why my writing has suffered; I just don't have the time to do it right now. There's still so much stuff to get out of the house, and we've only got three more days to do it. Still, it's coming along. It's keeping us busy, and my wife is now collapsing into bed every night, but it's going to be done in time.

Ironically, I'm so very, very grateful we had that flood a few months back that forced us to clean out the crawl space under the house. Sure, we lost a bunch of stuff, but we kept most of the important stuff, and what's best of all, we already sorted it all out. Some of it's going to be sold in our ultimate yard sale, but a lot of it is ready to pack up and go. So, that's a huge, huge time-saver now. God works in mysterious ways.

I almost didn't take time out to write this blog entry; I feel like I should be packing up dishes or something. But, everyone needs a break now and then, and writing, even just on a blog, is relaxing. Once we get this mess sorted out, I'll be back to writing more steadily, and I'll get at least one book done this month. It's another Cameron Vail mystery, and it's coming along nicely. It would be coming along better if I wasn't busy tearing the house apart, but you can't have everything.

So, a short entry tonight, and back to work. Keep the faith, faithful readers, and go check out my books on Amazon while you're enjoying the isolation of Coronamania.

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