Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Reflections on the A to Z Challenge

Believe it or not, I wrote the title before grabbing the graphic. Serendipity.

So, I would have to say that this was a successful endeavour. Twenty-six blog posts over the course of a month dedicated to expanding and describing the fantasy world I set some of my books and games in. And I added some new stuff on the way, such as the Yethrin; that was made up on the spot since I had no prior thought of what it even was.

It also gave me some inspiration and ideas for the next Meterra book, which was one of the whole purposes of the exercise for me. As I mentioned near the beginning, it's going to be a story involving Bartinus of the Royal Rangers and the Evergloom. Not everything I mentioned in the A to Z challenge will appear in the book, but several bits and pieces will definitely show up.

I appreciate the visitors I had from other websites, and I'm going to start my journey looking into other people's challenges. I did look at a few, mainly people who commented on my own posts, but not enough. I will rectify that over the year; I'm downloading the Master List to make sure I get to as many as I can.

It was also an excellent exercise in blogging discipline. I mean, I've done streaks more than a month long before, but those are random posts on whatever topic comes to mind at the time. This time, it was a purposeful journey through the alphabet on linked topics. And that is definitely a challenge.

So, what's next? I'm definitely going to do this again next year, but as to the topic...I have no clue yet. It'll come to me eventually, but I've got nearly eleven months to figure that out. In the meantime, there are books to be written and veggies to be grown. Maybe next year's challenge will involve the farm. We shall see. 

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