Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Let's Read: Traveller, 1977 Edition, Worlds & Adventures, page 12

Well, this is an easy page; it's just a summarized checklist of the steps taken to create a subsector. So, I'm going to take this opportunity to detail a few of the worlds from my subsector instead. I'm going to tentatively name this subsector 'The Hub.'

I'm going to start with the A-port world at 0602, just because it's going to be one of the most central worlds of the subsector. Its profile is A569453F, which means it's got a state-of-the-art starport, it's about 5,000 miles in diameter, has a standard atmosphere, is mostly water (90%), not very populated at a mere 10,000 people, a feudal technocracy, and a pretty lax weapons law level. It's also one of only three worlds in this subsector with level F technology; they can use matter transport (as can their neighbors at 0603 and the world at 0802). So, this isn't as populated as I thought; it's going to be more of an outpost, really. But it's a central outpost, being between two A ports, a B port, and two C ports (one of which links to a third A-port. I'm going to call it...Tycho, after the famous astronomer.

Ah, I've got it. Tycho is something of a paradise planet; it doesn't have a large population, but it does have a military presence to keep any bad seeds from claiming the world. It's not rich in resources, other than a gajillion tons of seawater, so it's a vacation resort for the really rich people in the subsector. And there's a hunting preserve on one of the islands, which is why firearms below military-grade are permitted; rich people want their toys. Rumors are that the hunters coming to Tycho seek a more dangerous type of prey, the kind that's smart enough to fight back and present a challenge. Cue the PCs, who wake up after a party with a nasty hangover and find themselves on a tropical island with only a few basic supplies on hand...

So far, so good. What about the high tech level? People with this kind of money can afford the absolute latest in technological toys, of course. Maybe there's an experimental lab here that has new technologies available.

Alright, let's move down to 0603. That's an A434555F. Let's call it...Arban. Why? Just 'cause; the letters came to me that way. So, Arban is a smaller planet (4,000 miles), but it has a lot of land area at 30% water coverage. The atmosphere is thin and tainted, so the population is only 100,000 or so people; they're not there because they want to be, but because they have to be. So, why are they there? Mining, perhaps? It's a rich planet with tons and tons of mineral deposits to be dug up. But why such a small population, then? Surely there would be a lot more miners on a world with all that stuff.

Ah, but this world's been a mining colony for centuries, you see. And that's why the air is tainted; the pollution is so high that you can't breathe without filters and protection. Not to mention that most of the mines are played out, and now they're digging for the most hard-to-reach stuff, which means they don't need as many miners here. The ecology on this world is going to totally suck, most likely. But the stuff they are digging up is so valuable that they pretty much have to keep the starport in top condition.

I suppose I should be going back to book 2 and getting the trade information (rich/poor, agricultural/industrial, etc.). Yeah, I'll do that as well, but first let's get some more interesting worlds figured out.

I want to go down to 0810 again; that one just looks so tantalizing. It's profile is E351A979. I'm going to call it Ethereon. That's a small (3,000 mile) planet with a thin atmosphere, and a measly 10% water on the surface. A desert planet, perhaps? But it's incredibly populated, a population comparable to Earth today at 10,000,000,000 people. And they've got decent tech at level 9. It's also balkanized, and so no weapons whatsoever are allowed near the starport (which isn't much; it's a patch of rock, remember?).

So, Ethereon just came out of a massive war a few decades ago, and now they're pulling together as a not-very-United Nations. The war pushed a technology race, which turned into a space race, and now the Ethereons have ships capable of jumping between systems. Of course, they don't actually have any neighbors nearby to jump to, but let's hope that such a warlike people don't start invading other worlds. They certainly have the manpower to do so.

One more for tonight. I looked at the X worlds already, so I want to take a look at 0406. It's the mini-hub for a small group of worlds. It's profile is B779554C. Let's call it Rustarik. So, it's almost the size of Earth (7,000 miles), has a standard (but tainted) atmosphere, is another water world at 90%, and has that small population as well. They have a feudal technocracy and gun laws roughly equal to the United States (no machine guns or worse, but handguns are totally fine). And the tech level is C, making them pretty advanced.

So, why such a small (100,000) population? Well, that's a good question, but it's obviously got something to do with that tainted atmosphere. But with a hydrography like that, most of the activity on the planet itself is going to be underwater. Maybe the 100,000 is the population on the surface, with a lot more people underwater and hiding away from the rest of the subsector; they just want to be left alone. 

So, there's some fun stuff to work with on this subsector. The Hub has a string of A-ports that will anchor the sector's economy, and a few mysterious places that are ripe for exploring. Sounds like a fun place to visit.

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