Thursday, February 18, 2021

A Bonus Post

I know, I know...I didn't post last night. And I haven't done the next Arabian Nights post, either. I'm actually debating whether or not to continue the series, since it really is a raunchy, R-rated book. I'm still reading it, but I don't know if I want to keep putting this stuff on what I would like to think is a family-friendly blog.

So, let's talk about something more important: Skating. As in, Tanner is doing really, really well. He's finally found something that motivates him to learn and work hard, something we have been seeking for years. He's even doing skating drills instead of just fooling around on the ice. And he's taking it seriously. He's four days in (we missed a day due to the mountain of snow and freezing rain that fell on us), and he's already learning the basics of power skating and stopping (without falling in the snow). He wants to play hockey next year, and he's determined to get the skating to a decent level by then.

I've been struggling with the book I've been writing. Not the Cameron Vail book (although that one is a pain in the butt), but the fantasy book, the next Meterran book. I came to the realization tonight that I was writing the wrong book; I've got some interesting ideas for the character that it focuses on, but I just don't have a good feel for his story. And it's frustrating the living hell out of me, because I'm not able to progress on the book. So, I'm going to lay it aside and focus on the one that I do want to be writing for Meterra. It's going to be a novel, rather than a story anthology like The Devil's Playground was. And it's going to be fun, because I have a lot of interesting ideas for it. Some I might save for the next book, but a lot of them are going to end up in here, including some new monsters, a new locale in Meterra, and a different kind of quest.

As for the Cameron Vail book, I'm going to try to get it done by the end of the weekend. If I can, it should be published ready to go by the end of the month. It's only a month behind, but it is what it is. I will be getting the third Meterra book out before the end of March, no matter what; I've set that as a firm deadline. And now that I'm freeing myself from the constraint of writing a book that I 'had' to write before this one, it should go a lot more smoothly.

And that's about it. Life on the farm in PEI is still great, and I'm very, very glad we're not in Ontario anymore. Every time we head another update from the Ontario government, it gives further confirmation that we made the right decision to leave. I'm praying for the people left behind, because they need it. It's turning into a political cesspool, and I want no part of it ever again.

And on that cheery note, I'll leave you with one last plug. I have ten books out, with more on the way; if you're looking for something new to read, I recommend either Final Exam, the first Cameron Vail mystery, or The Chronicles of Meterra: Arrival, the first book in my pulp fantasy series. Either one will, hopefully, entertain you, and give you something to read that is different from the usual fare that we see on the shelves these days. Until next time, though, thanks for stopping by, and I hope you come back again.

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