Thursday, January 7, 2021

Rink Update and Other News

Well, it's a learning process. And I'm learning that a skating rink isn't easy to build. I think there's a leak in the tarp somewhere under the ice, because I spent three hours filling the rink the other day and it looks like I got nowhere. We're dealing with freezing rain now, so I'm going to wait until that clears up before doing anything else. I want to go down the road to a neighbor who has a much nicer rink up and running, and see if he's willing to take a look and see if we can salvage this year's attempt.

Not much of an update, I suppose. So, I'll talk about something else as well.

It feels good to be back to writing regularly. Since we moved here, I haven't been able to properly concentrate on writing, which is why I didn't get anything published since August. It's frustrating, but the move really affected me, as well as my family. It took some adjusting, but I'm feeling it again. I've started working on a new fantasy novel, a sequel to the two Meterra books. It's going to be called 'The Dark Swamp.' Okay, that's a working title; I might have a better one in mind.

As for my mystery...I still have to get the next one finished. But right now, I'm feeling the fantasy bug, so that's going to take up the next little bit of my writing focus. I'm not up to the time commitment I need to get back to, but I'm working my way up.

School is starting again, and I've got four courses lined up: Medieval Europe (which is going to be so bloody awesome), Britain and the Modern World (well, it's better than the Global History of Food), Literature and Censorship (an English course focusing almost entirely on the Soviet Union and Russian literature), and Opera. No, I'm not going to be singing.

So, a short entry today, but it's good to be writing this blog regularly again. More tomorrow.

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