Saturday, January 23, 2021

Book Finished!

Yes, another book has been completed. It's the fifth Cameron Vail mystery, Spoiled Ballot. It's not available to buy yet; I finished it early this morning and sent it off to my reader. I've already thought of a couple of things I need to fix in it, but I'll see what she thinks of it before I muck around with the book.

This one is the biggest Cameron Vail book so far, filling out almost 40,000 words. There are returning characters, of course, and not just Cameron and Bill.

Some people might wonder why I've gone through five books and have never named the city they live in. That was a conscious decision on my part, since I don't actually live in a big American city. When I first started writing Final Exam back in university (thirty years ago), I was setting it in the city I did live in at the time, which was Toronto, Ontario. But when I came back to it last year, I wasn't living there anymore, and I didn't want to get bogged down in looking up details that would have changed in that span of years.

So, the city can be whatever city you, the reader, want it to be. The names are all made up anyway, so it's not like anyone in particular is being described; there are no allegories to real-world events or people. I'm just trying to write entertaining stories.

This one actually took a long time to write; not as long as Final Exam, but I did take a several-month break because of the move and adjusting to the new home. But I really pushed hard this week to get it done; my goal is to have it published on Amazon by the end of the month. It's going to be a tight deadline, but I'll get it done.

So, if you've already read Final Exam, there are three other mysteries to read to get you ready for this one. The second one is called Cold Star, and it's also about a murder mystery they solve while still in college. Check it out, and enjoy.

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