Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Let's Read: Traveller, 1977 Edition, Starships, page 32

More computer programs. There are six more offensive programs: Selective, Launch, Multi-Target, Return Fire, Anti-Missile, and Double Fire. They're pretty self-explanatory, but let's take a look for any hidden gems within the descriptions.

Selective allows the gunner to pick either the main compartment or the Engineering Section as the targeted spot on the enemy ship. It means it's a tougher shot (DMs depending on which version of the program), but when you do hit, you'll hit what you were aiming at.

Launch...other than also needing the Target program, there's not much else to this one.

Multi-Target is, again, self-explanatory. Note, however, that each turret can only fire at one target; if you've only got one turret on the ship, don't bother buying this program, because it will be useless. You only need this if you're going to have multiple turrets (not hardpoints) firing at different targets. And, of course, you need the target program. Note, however, that the Anti-Missile program doesn't need this; it targets multiple missiles automatically.

Return Fire was mentioned earlier; you can only shoot back at someone who just shot at you. You also need the Target program, and if you're surrounded, you'll need the Multi-Target program as well.

Anti-Missile does what it says on the box; point lasers shoot at enemy missiles that have come into contact with the hull (but haven't exploded yet). This program is self-contained; it doesn't need any other programs to work, and no other programs affect it.

Double Fire is for improving your laser power for a short time. You have to have a bigger power plant than M-drive (and it has to be undamaged to pump out this much power). This gives you two rolls to hit; you might still miss, or hit just once, or hit twice for double the power. Not a bad deal. Of course, you might damage the power plant; the first time you do it, you're fine (roll better than 1 on 2D). The second time as well (2 or more on the roll). After that, the chance of overload goes up one point per shot until your power plant effectively takes a weapon hit and is damaged.

Okay, we're moving on to the routine programs. These are Maneuver (as opposed to Maneuver/Evade), Jump, Library, and Generate. I cheated and peeked ahead; there are a couple more. These are your basic ship-handling functions for out-of-combat stuff.

Maneuver and Jump are self-explanatory, although the Jump program requires a specific program for the jump distance needed. Library is basically your on-board Wikipedia. Generate is the program that takes care of flight plans to various destinations. If you don't have this program on-board, you can buy single-use flight plans (self-erasing cassettes, and man, that's old tech right there) for all worlds within jump range and for which space lanes exist. That's some tantalizing stuff there, but we won't learn about it until Book 3.

Next up, we finish the programs and move on to whatever is next.

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