Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Still Plugging Away

It's funny to think of where my writing career was just one year ago: It didn't exist. I hadn't written anything original in years, and hadn't pursued any kind of publishing deal in over two decades. Now, I'm writing daily, I have five books published and more on the way, and I'm expanding my operation.

I've hired an editor, which is quite the experience. Not a professional editor at a publishing house; I'm indie all the way. But having someone go over what I do and pick up the mistakes and issues that I missed is a big help. It's costing money, of course, but it's considered a business expense now. That, plus hiring cover artists, is the extent of my costs at this time. It's not much, but it does add up.

Of course, the idea is to promote more sales, so I can afford to have someone design a gorgeous cover and pick out my mistakes in the writing. We'll see how that goes. In the meantime, though, there's always more writing to do, and more stories. I've got more story ideas than I've got time to write them, which is never a bad thing for a writer. Off the top of my head, I have ideas for three more murder mysteries, three entire fantasy series, a science fiction space-opera series, sequels to books I've already written, short stories galore...

I might not be the best-selling writer of my generation, and I might not win any awards, but my goal is still to be the most prolific writer of this generation, if not of all time. It's a long-term project, but that's what I specialize in. Occasionally, I even finish those projects.

The thing that matters most to me in all this is that I'm not only getting the opportunity to be creative, but I'm also leaving a legacy for my family. That's a pretty big deal, especially in uncertain times like these. Who knows how long this quarantine thing will go on? For some people, it's starting to end now; for others, it's going to go on and on for months longer. Where does my community stand? I have no clue; no one's talking about it yet. But I'm not optimistic.

I'd better get back to work, though, or my editor might wonder what's holding me up. Weird feeling. But, if you can't wait for my latest work, try my first one, Final Exam, available for the low introductory price of only $0.99 U.S.

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