Friday, January 19, 2024

An Ultimate Collection

Oh, yeah...

I completed this collection today; I have all four boxed sets of the James Bond Ultimate Edition with all 20 pre-Craig movies. I might add Casino Royale to the collection, but that's the only Craig movie I'm interested in. But this...this is a sweet, sweet set. Yes, they're DVDs, not Blu-Rays, but they're still great to have in hardcopy.

The only real issue with the set is that they aren't in chronological order; each set is a mixed bag with at least three different Bonds in it. I can see the logic; get one box, get a taste of multiple actors in the role. But since it's my collection now, I'm going to sort them out in the proper viewing order, because that is how I roll.

All four sets have the full set of discs and booklets, which is nice. They're all in good shape, so now it's just a matter of putting them up on the shelf all pretty-like.

And yes, Dalton is still my favorite Bond, and if you disagree with me, you're wrong. Connery was cool, Moore was urbane, Lazenby was...well, he was there, and Brosnan was the modern, suave Bond. But Dalton's Bond was a beast, a no-nonsense guy who truly made me believe that he was as deadly as a man could be, and while all of the Bonds were badasses when they needed to be, if Dalton's Bond came up to me and informed me in a quiet voice that I had overdue library books, I would not only pay the fine on the spot and apologize profusely, I would return a couple of other books along with them just to be safe. Because I don't ever want that man to be mad at me.

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