Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Changing Seasons

Good Lord, that was a hot one. The temperature around suppertime was 34°C today. And it's only June 1st. I thought PEI didn't get weather that extreme. Stupid Wikipedia.

Anyway, it's been an interesting week. I haven't got everything done that I wanted to do this week, but I've still got a couple of days left to accomplish a few things. I was supposed to be planting carrots and onions yesterday, but the garden needed a proper tilling first. I still don't have a handle on how the whole tractor thing works, so I had to wait until Ashton got home tonight. But it's done, so I'll be moving in on that tomorrow and Saturday. Along with corn, squash, peas, and beans. Yes, it's going to be a very busy weekend. And it's supposed to rain.

So, what do I think so far? Well, I've put new bunny hutch doors on (much thicker than they were at first), fixed a rooster coop twice, and brought our meat birds out into the fresh air for the first time. They're still young, only developing their feathers, so we didn't leave them out too long, especially in this heat. Still, they had a good time. At least, I think they did. They didn't tell me either way, so I'll assume on the positive side.

The piggies are doing well; they're eating pretty much anything I throw in there, and they're a lot less skittish than they were. It's a good start to their lives here. Oh, and Artemis, one of our bunny-girls, is definitely expecting. Good work, Bugs! Jellybean, on the other hand, hasn't given Bugs the time of day yet. I'm sure it's going to happen soon. The three of them are down in the chicken coop instead of the nice bunny hutch I built for them. Catching the girls isn't easy; they don't trust anyone. Bugs is used to us, but the bunny-girls? Nope. It's like chasing chickens. Except they're smarter and faster.

So, now that June has begun, it's time to really kick this into gear. The gardens are pretty much ready for planting; I've got a big day ahead of me tomorrow, and another one on Saturday. I hope to have at least half the planting done by the time the sun goes down on Saturday night.

Yeah, life as a farmer. What the hell was I thinking?

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