Thursday, June 17, 2021

Let's Read: Traveller, 1977 Edition, Worlds & Adventures, page 41

 Okay, we're just about done with psionics (and the rule set itself), so let's get into the home stretch and see what the last few pages of psionic stuff will give us. We continue with some teleportation rules, specifically about changes in altitude. If you teleport down a mile, the temperature jumps 7 degrees Fahrenheit, which is enough to cause you some serious damage. It's recommended that the character not jump with an altitude difference of more than 400 meters, and don't jump more than 600 meters in altitude in an hour, or bad things will happen.

The explanation they give is that teleporting into a lower elevation changes energy, manifesting as heat. Teleporting up produces the opposite effect, so things noticeably cool down. I'm not sure how the physics of that would work, but then, this is psionics and science fiction, so it's all good. I'm sure there's an old Astounding story that would explain it.

These temperature changes don't have to be an issue; there are compensators and heat suits, for example, that can take the danger out of teleporting. Of course, you'd have to be at least 7th level to use any of them...

Speaking of levels, teleporters are the only ones who start at a higher level: They start at level 5, unless their PS rating is less than five, in which case they simply can't teleport, and never will. Well, that would suck. It's a worthless ability if you've got a low PSR, and you can't improve it. Oh, and good luck leveling up, because it takes a roll of 12 on 2D to level up, and you only get one roll per month. Considering the odds, you've got about three years before you gain a single level. Good thing you start out at five, so on average you'll take twelve years to get to level 9 and the full teleporting ability.

And that's it for teleportation.Next, we have the 'Special' category. This is your 'miscellaneous' powers section, which can be basically anything that isn't covered by the five main talents. Maybe a cryonicist who can freeze things with their mind, for example. Or someone who can project images of what they are thinking for people to see with their eyes instead of their minds. That would be handy to have when you're shopping and you can't describe what you're looking for.

This can also give a character an ability that they normally wouldn't qualify for from one of the other abilities. So, you might only be a level-3 teleporter with a low PSR, but with the Special, you could say that while you won't develop the full abilities of a teleporter, you can still teleport short distances yourself. Or, you might be able to teleport small objects instead. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination, of course.

So, that's it for the powers. Remember, they all cost PSPs. So, you have to be able to regain those PSPs. According to these rules, you have to wait three hours after using a power to start regaining your strength. Note that it's any power that will restart the clock to three hours. After you've left your psionics alone for three hours, you regain one PSP per hour until you're back to full strength. Obviously, you can't 'recover' more than you normally have. Taking Psi-Drugs is considered as using psionics, so don't if you want to recover your strength naturally.

Speaking of psi-drugs, that's what's next. There are a few different kinds, which will be described here and on the next page. Basically, these are what you'd expect: chemical methods of enhancing your PSPs. The only one we get to see today is the Booster, which is the entry-level psi-drug with a ridiculous scientific name. Thongamonganite. Seriously? Thong among the ganites? Anyway, this one boots your PSPs by 3 points if you are already at full strength, and 2 if your strength is reduced. The booster lasts for about an hour, and you can't double-dip with it to get additional strength; it just won't work. And you can never increase your PSP more than three points above your maximum with the booster drug.

Alright, that's another page done, and there are only a couple of pages left. Until next time, read some sci-fi goodness provided by yours truly: Bard Conley's Adventures Across the Solar System. I didn't include any psionics in this book, but there is plenty of action and adventure to be found. Check it out, and support indie publishing. Because that's where the good stuff can be found.

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