Thursday, September 3, 2020

Racing to the Finish Line

 Well, we've got less than four weeks before our move is completed. And we've got about six weeks of work left to do around this house. No pressure, right?

It's funny how in life, nothing seems to go smoothly. We thought we had the last wrinkles of the move worked out. The legal and financial details, I mean; the sorting, packing and stacking part is ongoing. But we had a handle on it. Or so we thought.

The hot water tank just died. And it's going to cost us twenty-five hundred dollars to replace it. And we get no hot showers for almost a week, as a bonus. Yay! Something always seems to come up, doesn't it? It's like there's a force trying to stop us from successfully moving. But it's not going to work; this is a happening thing.

Unfortunately, it looks like we'll be waiting two weeks to get our internet up and running, since we'll have to quarantine for 14 days when we get there. That seriously sucks, especially when doing a blog. So, it looks like there's going to be a break in my posting until Canadian Thanksgiving, which is October 12th. I'd like to get it set up before we get there, but we might not be able to. It's going to be slower and with limited bandwidth, but that's not a bad thing; the plan is to slow down, not keep going at the same pace.

It's a lot of work, and my wife is exhausted now. But we're persevering; the reward is worth it in the end. A peaceful hobby farm, far away from the bustle of city life? I can live with that. And that's something I wouldn't have even imagined saying only six months ago. In the age of COVID, anything is possible.

I'm still going to write, of course; I just won't get to publish anything for a while. So, it looks like my plan to get 20 books published this year is dead. Still, I've got ten so far, and I will have a few more up before the end of the year, so I'm not complaining. I'll just reset my goals for 2021 and see what happens then.

In the meantime, please check out my books on Amazon; there's lots there to choose from, so check it out and see what catches your interest.

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