Monday, September 14, 2020

Counting Down

Two weeks to go; then, we'll be in the new farmhouse. What a birthday present! It's been exhausting, and I haven't felt very motivated to write anything, much less a blog entry. But persistence is key. The bottleneck right now is just packing up all our stuff and getting it ready to go. We still have to live here, after all. But the clock is ticking, so it's got to be done.

Much like when we had our crawlspace flood a few months ago, this has become an opportunity to go through our stuff and decide what we really want to hang on to. There's a whole bunch of stuff that we just don't need. And, we're limited in how much stuff we can actually bring, since the shipping container we're using will only hold so much. Sure, we'll bring some of it with us in the vehicles, but that's not going to be enough to bring it all with us.

So, it's time to clear out some of the dead weight, some things that have just been sitting around for years, collecting dust or otherwise just taking up space. Did we really need to have three garbage bags full of Tupperware and food containers? I don't think so. And our closets are getting a thorough going-over, as well; my wife has a critical eye, and a lot of that stuff is going to find a home in the nearest thrift store. Well, we weren't wearing it, anyway.

Some of the stuff we've found is stuff we do want to keep, stuff we hadn't seen for a long time and assumed was lost. Old pictures, things we got as wedding gifts, that sort of thing. Frankly, though, most of it isn't going to make the cut. We're trying to simplify and downsize a lot of this stuff, so we don't have all the clutter in the new place.

We've got the trip itself all planned out, with campsites paid for and travel documents ready. It sucks that we actually have to show papers at a provincial border now. Is this Eastern Europe in the mid-1960s or something? Stupid COVID rules. We're going to a province that has fewer cases than the WNBA has viewers, but we're still going to be under a 14-day quarantine. And the provincial government will be checking up on us twice a day to make sure we haven't strayed from the property.

Well, it's a done deal now, anyway, so we're just going to have to put up with it. We'll be homeless on the 25th, so we're committed.

There's not much else to say tonight; I'll have another Traveller page done tomorrow, though, and I'll try to keep them going more regularly, since that's what's got the most traffic so far.

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