Saturday, January 22, 2022

Three in a Row

Well, well.  Three days, three blog posts. This could be habit-forming. I certainly hope so, anyway.

So, today was mostly about the farm. No gardening, obviously, since the garden is under two feet of snow. But the chickens are still up and about, enjoying the cold weather in their non-insulated barn. Feathers are handy. We haven't lost any chickens despite two major storms that the barn is completely incapable of keeping out; there are plenty of gaps for the wind and snow to come through, and the inside of the barn looks like a winter wonderland. But the chickens are doing just fine.

And so is the bunny; my wife found out that chickens and bunnies can get along just fine, so we moved the bunny into the coop. And sure enough, he's having a blast. He's running around in there right alongside the chickens, eating from the same dish, drinking the same long as he doesn't try to sit on any eggs, it's all good.

We've got some young chickens as well, the ones that came out of the incubator. There are six of them now, three from our own eggs and three from my wife's friend (the other crazy chicken lady). They've got their own little family group, and it looks like it's one rooster and five hens. They're in the garage, living in the old bunny coop, and once the youngest ones are old enough they'll be moving as a group to the big coop to join the greater chicken community.

I wish I had more to say, but we just did work on the farm and in the garage; nothing exciting. But the point is to keep the blog going again, so even a short post is better than silence.

For those of you still reading, cheers; may 2022 be a fresh and exciting year for you. For those who aren't reading, it doesn't matter what I say, does it?

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