Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Winter is Coming...

No, I'm not doing a Game of Thrones review; I hated the books, and have never seen so much as a trailer from the show. This week has been a tease for what's to come: lots of wind, lots of precipitation, lots of snow.

Well, in my defense, my wife did say before we moved that she wanted white beaches. She just didn't specify 'sand.'

We were warned over the weekend that we would be getting high winds and rain for three days. Well, we did get the winds on Monday, but they mostly died down yesterday and today. The rain has been pretty consistent, but we didn't get the 100 mm we were promised. I feel let down somehow. Although there was some snow showing up, it hasn't stuck around. Still, snow tires are definitely in the plans for the weekend.

We're hoping to get our rink built this weekend; we're going to need some more wood, since last year's rink turned into a chicken coop. We learned a lot from our experiences last year, and if things go well this year, we'll have a nice, full 30' x 60' rink to play on. I don't know if I'll do much skating, though; I haven't skated in years, and the one time I tried it last year, my feet hurt like the fiery pits of hell. I'm way out of skating shape. But Tanner is looking forward to getting back into it, even if he won't be playing hockey this year. We can't afford it, and there are other factors, as well.

This time of year is always busy for us; aside from Christmas, there are three birthdays within a month: Ashton turned nineteen almost two weeks ago; Dannielle year older next week, and five days after that, Garrett will be nine. And then it's Christmas, New Year's, and so on. Busy, busy, busy.

There's not a lot  to say tonight. It's been quiet, which is normal for PEI. Maybe tomorrow will prove to be more interesting.

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