Monday, May 31, 2021

Let's Read: Traveller, 1977 Edition, Worlds & Adventures, page 37

Okay, let's finish off with the Telepathic abilities and check out Clairvoyance. The only other power in the Telepathy category is Shield, which all telepaths can do automatically. It's always on, and costs nothing to maintain. It just keeps other Telepaths out of your mind, as long as you're strong enough to resist them. Shields can also be artificially created through psi-helmets that weigh a kilogram (that'll put some stress on your neck and shoulders), costs 4000 Cr, and doesn't stop anything physical from hurting you. But it is a mental shield, although everyone is going to know you have it. Still, better than nothing.

Now, let's talk about experience. Beginning telepaths (remember, starting characters can't be psionic; they have to find a Psi-Institute somewhere and get trained before they have any powers) have life detection and shield, and that's it. However, unlike the normal physical skills from Book One, you can actually gain experience regularly with psionics, advancing to the higher-level powers. Each month, the characters gets a 2D roll; an 8+ means he's got another level of Telepathy. So, after training, it would take 10 8+ rolls at one per month to get to the Assault level, and that's if you've got at least a 10 PSR. You can't advance beyond your Psionic Strength Rating no matter how many times you roll.

So much for mind reading; let's look at Clairvoyance. Basically, this just means you can see things at a distance, even if it would normally be impossible to see. The first ability is Sense, which gives you a basic concept of what can be found in another location. You might get a rudimentary description like 'a room with a table and a man sitting on a chair,' but nothing more than that. You state the distance to whatever it is you're trying to see, and you'll get the main feature at that location. Interestingly enough, this is a level 2 ability (which means you can't use it as a level-1 Clairvoyant), costing 1 PSP to use plus the range cost. I imagine range costs are going to be the primary point sink for Clairvoyance, since the idea is to use it at range in the first place.

The second ability is Clairvoyance, which gives a better view and more detail than Sense does. This one is level 5, requiring 2 PSP plus range costs to use.

And that's it for this page; we're running out of pages, but there are still a bunch of psionic abilities to go through.

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