Sunday, March 14, 2021

Bringing Home Some Hot Chicks

So, we're definitely doing this farming thing. Yesterday we started planting some veggies; today, we brought home some baby chicks.

Those are marbles in the water dish; that's to keep them from falling in and drowning. You'll notice the dark feathers; these are called Cemani chickens. They are all-black birds. Their feathers, their skin, their meat, their internal all the way through. Naturally, the eggs are cream-colored. Because...I have no idea. But they are.

We are hoping that we got two hens and a rooster; we're going to be adding more birds eventually, but this is a start. They were supposed to be living in the house for the next few weeks to stay warm and grow, but the heat lamp was melting the plastic in the dog cage we were going to keep them in. So, they're in the garage, in a wooden crate. Ashton assembled the heat lamp while we were on our way home with the chirping critters, and they're currently having a grand old time exploring their square box.

Garrett is excited; I told him I had a surprise for him in the garage, and he came out to take a look. He was mesmerized by the little birds, pointing at them and smiling away. He's going to have a great time on the farm.

And this is them checking out their supper. We had to tilt the plate, because they couldn't get out of the food; the sides of the plate were slippery and steep. So, they can leave if they want to now. And that's a rolled-up towel which will serve as a nest.

All in all, it's a pretty exciting day. We're going to be building a chicken tractor next week, so that when they are ready (and when the ground is no longer inspiring a Bing Crosby song), we can get them out in the field, safe from the foxes and other predators. Then we're going to build a proper coop in the barn so they have a winter home as well.

It's a crazy lifestyle change from what I'm used to, but I'm looking forward to it.

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